Monday, January 21, 2008

playing bicycle again

Last sunday, I went down to my flat. I also brought my brother down. At first I don't bring to play and he want to play. Then I say okay and ask him to get your bicycle.
I ride very fast and brother was too slow and keep asking me to wait for him. We play this games:
  1. bicycle race
  2. blind mice
  3. A, E, I, O, U
  4. red land
  5. water grass
  6. colour catching
They are fun!
Bicycle race:
A few people will be side by side and than ride. The first person to reach the finishing line wins. I am very excited! I think I would win.
Blind Mice:
There will be a catcher and the catcher will close his or her eyes to catch the other players. If the catcher caught them the people will take over the catcher.
A, E, I, O, U:
There is also a catcher. The other player rest will stand far away from the catcher at a distance. The catcher will then say AEIOU several time with his back turned. When he turned to face the players, they can't move. If not, they will be the catcher instead. Then, someone will touch the catcher when he is near him and the catcher will be able to catch.
Red Land:
Everyone will be running on the red area including the catcher.
Land and Water:
The catcher will be on a playground when others stand on the land or water. The water refers to a patch of grass. Players could move when the catcher is not looking. However, they must move back to original position when the catcher is looking.
Colour Catching:
It is easy. The catcher can only step on one colour and the ground while the players cannot step on the ground.
My brother always say he want go back home I say later lah then he say again I go back loh.

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